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Living Solutions for a Living Planet

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OZA Soils supercharges your plants and profits, ask us how

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Our solutions

Crown Organics took ancient technology and scientifically improved it naturally to meet modern needs. OZA® Micro-Bio Solutions is the result.

Our mission is to restore, redeem and rejuvenate the environment, soil, plant, animal and other industries by using the unique fermentation technology of Crown Organics’ OZA® (Organic Zymo Agents) products, CFT® (Complex Fermentation Technology) and teaching plus the application of OZA® AMT® (Applied Micro-Bio Technology).

In this modern world, the increasing health conscious population is looking for healthier biological solutions. The Life Cycle is improved in plants and humans through the natural enhancement of our value-added technology.

Many products in the last handful of years include words like Prebiotics, Probiotics and Enzymes. A new wave has begun. Our commitment to OZA® technology in these areas  began well before awareness by the public.

We began to study the benefits of fermentation technology and researching over 20 years ago when microorganisms and fermentation were not in the vocabulary of most people. Manufacturing and combining multiple strains of microorganisms for different purposes began over 15 years ago, although research well before that.

Products were developed to target industries beginning with water, soil, plants, animals plus other industries. OZA® AMT® (Applied Micro-Bio Technology) releases nutrition and pre digested food in various forms to be consumed in water, soil, plants, bio-solids and more, thus benefiting both people and the environment.

We are so excited people are becoming aware they can do something better for themselves, their family and their environment.

Crown Organics does the tough things to make life more simple.

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